
Broom Dreams

Filmed in collaboration with Keagan Heathers, Pat Nadeau, and Justin Husson, this short documentary looking into the sport of muggle quidditch focused on the University of Waterloo Ridgebacks. This was a preview to documentary Until the Very End which looked at how the international phenomenon Harry Potter still affects the children that grew up with it. In this film specifically, we explore the details of the game as well as why the players chose to join the team. As adults, we are expected to move on from the things we found joy in as children. Broom Dreams follows how we may continue to enjoy them and create a community to celebrate them. And maybe get some exercise in at the same time!

Coming Soon: Until the Very End

Harry Potter was a worldwide phenomenon starting very shortly after the first book’s release in 1997 to final film release in 2012. Over those fifteen years, the children who grew up on it devoured every piece of content. The characters became their role models, the adventures became their own. As the final film left theatres, it was said to be over. But as someone who grew up with Harry Potter and turned eighteen just before its release, I know that it will stay with for much longer. Until the Very End follows how four people who grew up on Harry Potter feel it molded them and continues to influence them to this day. We explore how children’s stories don’t just entertain children but help inform their values, and give them something to turn to in times of need. We learn how we can keep the magic of our childhoods alive as we navigate adulthood. 

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